CPC Reservations

What is a Central Pool Classroom?

The Central Pool Classroom (CPC) system comprises approximately 200 classrooms in 29 buildings throughout Penn’s campus. The CPCs are primarily used for undergraduate and graduate classes, although a large number of events, student activities, conferences, and community groups also use the facilities. The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) has priority over CPCs, and Special Event bookings through Space and Events Management (ULSE) cannot be processed until OUR has completed assigning classrooms for classes.

Special Events in CPCs for the Spring 2025 semester are permitted starting on February 3rd, 2025.

Important CPC Dates for Special Events

December 10th, 2024 — January 14th, 2025

CPC Blackout Period — For CPC special events, please reach out to Andrea Krapevka, Events Manager.


January 15th, 2025 — February 2nd, 2025

No CPC special events permitted.


January 20th, 2025

Spring ’25 CPC Reservations portal opens with the 10-business day processing timeframe.


February 3rd, 2025

First day special events can be hosted in CPC Classrooms for the Spring 2025 semester.

For CPC special events, please reach out to Andrea Krapevka, Events Manager.

December 10th, 2024 — January 14th, 2025
January 15th, 2025 — February 2nd, 2025

No special events are permitted to reserve CPC spaces.

Spring '25 CPC Reservations portal opens with the 10-business day processing timeframe.

January 20th, 2025
February 3rd, 2025

Starting date for reserving Spring 2025 special events in CPC spaces

Special Event or Academic Event

Please review the information below to determine if a CPC is an appropriate space for your event, and if your event qualifies as a special event.

Special Events

Special events, such as student-sponsored events, one-time special events, conferences, and events sponsored by non-University groups, can be booked through University Life, Space and Events Management.

Qualities of a Special Event:

    • You are part of an Office of Student Affairs Registered Student Organization looking to reserve a classroom space for an event or a general body meeting.
    • Your event takes place on the weekend or beyond standard business hours.
    • Your event is hosting guests from outside the Penn community, non-PennCard holding guests.
    • Your event is a conference featuring high-profile speaker(s).
    • Your event needs additional AV services beyond the classroom capabilities.

Academic Events

Academic events are processed by the Office of University Registrar and should be requested through the Academic Event Scheduling Portal.

Qualities of an Academic Event:

    • A review session
    • A reservation for a Midterm Exam
    • A University lecturer presenting to the Penn Community
    • Other course related events

This is not an exhaustive list of event types, if you have questions about academic events, please contact the Office of the University Registrar at ourscheduling@registrar.upenn.edu. 

These are not exhaustive list of event types, if you have questions, please contact our ULSE office at 215-898-5552.

Important Factors to Consider When Reserving a CPC for a Special Event 

  • Penn Affiliation: ULSE is unable to offer space to individual students and individual faculty members. The event must be endorsed, supported and funded by a Registered Student Organization or a Penn Department. A budget code will need to be supplied during the application process.
  • Fees: There are fees associated with special events such as room rental, potential need for a guard, etc. Please anticipate a budget for your event before applying for a Special Event in a CPC.
  • Event Policies: The Office of Registrar and Space and Events Management do not follow the same policies and procedures. Visit the Policies page for ULSE policies.
  • Building Policies: Each CPC building has its own administrative team and set of building guidelines and restrictions. ULSE reserves a select few classroom spaces in these buildings but does not manage the buildings. ULSE follows advisement from each building administration team and all building policies must be followed by the event organizers and guests.
  • Food: There is NO food or drink allowed in classroom spaces.
  • Priority/Room Placement: Academic classes take priority in classroom spaces. Availability in the building or room of your preference may not be available on the date or time you’ve requested. An Event Coordinator will match your event to the most appropriate room based on your event needs.
  • Irregular Hours: Events that takes place beyond the hours of operation of the CPC building will need a guard to open/unlock the doors for the event as well as additional housekeeping.
    • Housekeeping fee of $53.88/hr with a 2-hour minimum, at the cost of the event organizer.
    • Allied Guard fee of $33.75 per hour, at a 4-hour minimum. This charge will also be applied to events with a large amount of non-PennCard holding guests. Without a PennCard, guests cannot access University buildings during or after building business hours.

Additional Resources

Your inquiry will be matched with a classroom that best suits your event needs. Building and room preferences will be taken into consideration but cannot be guaranteed.

How many people will be in attendance?