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College Green


College Green, located in the heart of campus, is not only a much loved location for leisurely study breaks and socializing among the student population, but is able to be reserved for registered special events. You can apply for events to take place in one of the four sections of College Green: the LOVE Statue, the Sweeten Grass area, Van Pelt Plaza/Split Button, or in front of the Benjamin Franklin Statue. Some important information about reserving this space is that it requires a more extensive application review. Please apply for a College Green special event 6 to 8 weeks before the event date. Additionally this space is subject to labor fees for supplying electricity, and outdoor housekeeping fees for serving or passing out food. Please consult an event coordinator in our office for a consultation of needs and potential costs for reserving a special event in a College Green space.


Max Capacity




Empty Space

Hollow Square




Additional outdoor spaces: